Thursday, January 22, 2009

Drugs Work

I wouldn't say that every leaf of grass is greener and the sky is a crystal clear blue, but I would say that maybe there is a possibility that the glass may have gotten a littler fuller. Interestingly enough I have never been a good writer when I'm not going through some trauma or another. It's probably the reason I never became a writer. If I were to be a writer that would mean I'd have to be dressed in black and talk about doom and gloom all the time. Frankly, that just wouldn't work out for me. 

It's easier to express the rages that come from my frustrations. To tell Jason that I can't handle it, every body wants something from me - the cats, pandu, jason, - everybody. Even though technically, that is just 4 people, it feels like the world. Why is it that the most irrational thoughts just seem to well around in me and I struggle to escape them. Sigh. 

Pandu is coming along for sure. Right now he has realized that he likes Jason and I. I know that seems silly, but it's huge. I mean we picked up this little guy and he could care less about the people in the room. They were there to either feed him or as an obstacle to walk around. Now he is wanting to be held and for us to play games with him. It's an amazing thing and something that we are very happy about. He definitely knows we are mom and dad (or mama and daddy). One of the best moments was when I told him that "Mommy was going into the kitchen to make lunch." and he said back as he walked away, "I got a mommy." It was so sweet. I mean really, really sweet. 


[caption id="attachment_216" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Pandu is standing with Daddy while he does the dishes. (in other news, anyone have a dishwasher they can spare?)"]Pandu is standing with Daddy while he does the dishes. (in other news, anyone have a dishwasher they can spare?)[/caption]



We met with the Child Finder team this past week. This is an early education intervention team that typically works with kids 0-5 but because of Pandu's global delays, the school district felt they would be most qualified to provide a good assessment. So there Jason and I sat with 4 people (Director of Spec. Education of Littleton School District, a speech therapist, occupational therapist and a child psychologist.) Pandu ate it up and was able to connect with each of them. He was a babbling little boy and parroted words left and right. Overall they seemed very positive about him being able to soak up learning. Not to say it won't be a road to get there but at least there is a road. I felt most creeped out by the psychologist. I felt like she was analyzing me and she could read the angst and overwhelmedness on my face. Regardless they were kind and hopefully we will have the formal assessment complete in the next few weeks. 

So in hopes of helping Pandu get started, I decided to sit him down and teach him his ABCs. You know, that is really, really hard. He has no interest in saying ABC. He likes playing with the toys, but as for saying them - not so much. 


[caption id="attachment_214" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Pandu with his Alphabet Pal. He loves this toy."]Pandu with his Alphabet Pal. He loves this toy.[/caption]

Then I love this picture because I think it shows how men just kind of tolerate what us women say for a certain time frame and then that's it. No more. 


[caption id="attachment_215" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Pandu is so done with his ABCs."]Pandu is so done with his ABCs.[/caption]

And if there was any doubt that Pandu is being raised by a liberal. Here he is wearing his "Vamos a cambiar el mundo" on inauguration day. It translates roughly to "We are going to change the world." So take it as either the children are going to change the world or us latinos are going to change the world. I think it might be a bit of both. hee hee. 


[caption id="attachment_217" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Raising a liberal."]Raising a liberal.[/caption]

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