Thursday, February 5, 2009

thought bits

So I'm at the point now where I have a lot of different thoughts, some full on blogs actually but do I publish them all on one day? Hmmm.... I'll trickle those out. But life has been interesting as of late. 

- I had my first blow out. And if you have had diapered babies you know what I mean. Oh was it pleasant!! But welcome to motherhood right? 

- Pandu had a CT Scan done yesterday of his eye lid which has the hemangioma on his left eye lid. It's quite big so the ocularist was thinking we should have it removed before we do prosthetics. It would be more comfortable for him. It was quite freaky going and having him put under. It was like he didn't like it and then just BAM he was out. He did really well with it and had no side effects. So woo hoo! Now as soon as the Dr. office can coordinate with the pediatric surgeon and the ocularist we should be having a surgery, prosthetics made, and there we go. It will be a big day for sure. 

- We went to preschool on Tuesday for 90 minutes with other children. He did really well. He sat in the circle with the other kids. Nancy was with him and it was good to see that he has bonded with her and felt comfortable with her. He ate a snack (without hoarding too much food), had a bathroom visit and played in the play ground. That was the most interesting as the OT person was a little to hands on with him. The key for Pandu is to be treated like every other kid. He is a boy. What are most people like with a 5.5 year old boy? Rough has hell! They throw him up in the air! He gets dirty every day, etc etc. And that's how the OT person should work with him. Not as a delicate flower that needs to be shaded at all times. I was about to go all Federationist on her a@@ but thankfully my better nature took over! 

- I'm bored with the internet. I know, I know. how could that be? But I am! I need to do some other things. 

- oh my God I'm so happy that American Idol is in Hollywood now! And I'm rooting for the blind guy. I want him to make it so we can vote for him. I know, I know, I'm showing my bias and what a blind hag I really am but I don't care. I'm excited about it. 

I think I'll work on the other "subject" blogs and post those slowly. More elaborate thoughts on different things.

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