Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This or Killing Someone

Warning: I'm PMSing.

The switch came on tonight as I am incapable of dealing with the most basic of things. See we are having a wet snow. And yes snow is different. Lots of different types of snow and it's basically gone by mid-day the next day because Denver has 300+ sunny days a year so I don't want to hear it. See. See. I can't even write a damn blog post without going off on the some fucking tangent. Hmphf.

My point, it made the satellite freak and I have no TV. Let me repeat .... I HAVE NO TV!!! Nothing. Nada. No DVR programming, no guide, no music from the tv, nothing. NOTHING!!! And what exactly am I suppose to do for the 4 hours that it takes for my son to fall asleep?

Read the 3 magazines and 4 books that I have waiting for me? Play CafeWorld, ensuring that indeed my animated wait staff is serving the vampire steak and spaghetti in a timely fashion? (and if you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to spend more time online.) Take endless quizes on Facebook? (did you know my hood name is Pookie, my heart is blue, my philosophy is Idealist, and my tarot card is the 8 of swords?). I could read the dozens of blogs that I follow. Perhaps TALK to my husband or here's a thought ... CALL someone. But me... hell no! I can do those things if I have TV (and trust me I do, ask Jason). But without TV it just seems so utterly ...... meaningless. I'm deflated.

And if you think I'm kidding or exaggerating or that one person couldn't possibly be so pathetic then obviously you haven't been paying attention. Yes, welcome to my world. Welcome.

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