Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Perhaps it's a good thing the mike isn't on.

[caption id="attachment_700" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="do you have a facebook?"]do you have a facebook?[/caption]

sometimes I really don't want a person's input on a situation. this is the danger of having facebook and a blog and email and a cell phone and text messaging as well as a telephone at home and at work. people can reach you and sometimes you don't want to be reached.

my status yesterday was that "x has nothing to say." well, we all know I most certainly always have a thought on my head. but 75% of the time I just don't feel like sharing. the other 25% I'm going to hop up and down on one leg to get someone to listen to me. but yesterday was not one of those days.

typically if I say something like that it means that i don't want to talk about it. i'm feeling emotional, overwhelmed, yada yada. so it's my way of saying .... i'm here and listening but frankly just let me listen to you for awhile. please. don't ask.

here's the grub. not every one of my "friends" on facebook is a REAL friend friend. do i know them, of course, at some point in my life. but most of my "friends" don't get access. it's just the truth. god could you imagine the emotional reck I would be if I gave total access to each person I interact with in the world? shudder!

so a few people yesterday were like "get over it." or some version of crap like that. And I'm like fuck you. ok, i admit this reaction DEFINITELY had to do with the fact that i didn't want anyone to fuck with me .... only child. only child. leave me alone. .... can I just have a sign?

I mean maybe my Facebook status should have been. "x wants you to leave her the fuck alone but in a nice way. I mean I like you and everything but frankly I don't really give a shit as to your opinion. ok? are we good?"

could you imagine the comments on that status? LOL. and just in case you were wondering I have actually said some variation of that to people in real life. wow! I'm a bitch!

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