Friday, December 11, 2009

digging the well

solar eclipse

it just happens. i wake up and i sulk. i'm in deep. i dig at the dirt walls of the well trying to rise out of it but i can't seem to do it. every moment is a reminder that i am just making it worse. so i sit in the well, dirt on my legs.

and then it happens. a spark of crystal light pierces the dirt that has gathered. i'm pulled out of it and float again. i'm able to stand. dust off. pack down the dirt a little bit more so i'm closer to surface level. still no sunshine in sight but at least i can see the crack of a blue sky. I strain on my tippy tippy toes to see if i can get out. but nope, not yet. so i settle back, pulling my knees closer, waiting for the next batch of dirt to gather.

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