Monday, January 31, 2011

church politics

returning to work in a "real" job has been such an eye opener.

the perception of what i do - design and create communications strategies - is seen as "easy". everyone knows how to communicate. sigh. no actually very few people know how to objectively communicate to people who aren't just. like. them.

it's the number one thing every communications department has to overcome. we have to convince the people involved that ... it doesn't matter if you don't like the color purple, the purchaser or user of our product does and here are the facts to back that up.

i'm frustrated because now i am charged with communicating about a community of faith. oy. it's not easy. it helps that i'm the target market on a personal level. i'm gen x. i'm a seeker. i did not grow up in the church. i am uneasy of the church honestly.  i am caution that this community of faith actually does what it says it does. and for a church doing what you say you will do is probably job #1 IMHO. because think about it. if you don't, then that means God doesn't either.

so i've been in my job a month. it is full of busy work administrative tasks with a significant dose of assumptions on my role and responsibility. i have to wade through this and do some serious thinking along the way. some people view me as a glorified secretary, I was handed a hand written letter by someone in the church today and was told to type it. yeah no. that's not my job. but he's old and i'm weak and want to be liked so i take it. damn it! the pastor turns around though and takes it back.. thank God! ok... I'm digressing.

then there others who actually see the value in communicating the church effectively. they want to take the church to the next level. Splash banners every where, go on Facebook, light up the church. And I'm all for that. BUT here's the deal people. We can't light up the church if you have a leaky roof that would kill the fire in 3 seconds. We have to ensure that message communicated is the message we are delivering. And then there is are a rare few people who understand that creating a strategy to communicate that message is not instantaneous. It takes time and thinking.

So now here I am in the middle of gathering data, testing ideas, etc but the church is full of politics. every church is. every organization is. we are all human after all. but i'm a straight shooter. probably too much so. politics is not something i play well at. i get by with a little help from my friends but right now i don't think i know who my friends are.

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