Monday, February 23, 2009

Judgment vs Non-Judgment

So the park was beautiful. Denver is an amazing place - beautiful, green, clean air in the city even, and 65 degree weather in February. Never mind that it could drop tomorrow and we have a blizzard. Every day brings something new. I took a lot of pictures of Pandu and I will post them but I'm well - I'm just too lazy. I mean really, I am. And I'm a little torqued. Or well maybe there is a lot in my mind. 

Face-book. Somedays I love it and some days it drives me nuts. I mean it's great right. I can get instant status updates but I feel like some days like I'm shouting across the room to all my friends (some real, some a little less real) about things in my life and I wonder why. Then somehow I tend to get into "discussions" with people on FB. Again some times good and some times bad. I mean I think I just need to let things go. 

I'm like one of the most intolerant tolerant people you'll ever meet. I don't like intolerance and narrow-minded thinking that pits one person against another one. The thought that ,"my God tells me that I should treat you like less of person because your gay." And if I question that well I'm "picking and choosing" what I want to believe in the bible. Ok, ok. I need to give full context and well most of the people that read this are friends on FB so you probably saw my comments so I might be beating a dead horse but this will go somewhere, I promise. Stepping back.... now. 

My friend's status was something about Sean Penn being a lunatic and I was curious if she thought he was a lunatic because he played a gay man, commended Prez. Obama or support equality for gay marriage. Well, someone replied about it being that he thought he was better than the average American and putting people down for the way they voted. You know I could have left well enough alone. I dislike people that use "traditional" values as code words for discrimination and bigotry. So I pointed out how someone who professes to be "non-judgmental" is awfully judgmental. Then an argument was made that Jesus didn't teach non-judgment and quoted scripture. Ok, ok... so now we are caught up and I can move forward with my post. 

What??? What??? Really? Really? So ok I'm not the most scholarly in Bible scripture but I know that there are a multitude of contradictions and the overarching message is - love God and love your neighbor. Regardless of who that neighbor is. And I don't understand why is it that people will boil down some very specific scripture yet ignore the overall message. I mean if we are to believe EVERYTHING in the Bible then women shouldn't wear pants and we shouldn't eat shrimp and countless of other things that are not met to be taken literally. Maybe I'm a Mc-Donald's Christian, you know believing in only the parts that I want to believe in. But I don't think so. 

Crazy enough the scripture the person quoted (1 Cor 2:15) can be taken in so many ways. It talks about those who are full of the Spirit can judge. Well, how many people can use this as a get out of jail free card and a way to just sit up high on a log, thinking Jesus loves me and I can judge you to all hog heaven. Everything "we" say is right as we have the spirit. Sadly, I think some "Christians" are not of the spirit. 

Ultimately I'm tired of feeling like I have to agree with the extremists that preach judgment when they should be teaching love.

Ok I'm off the holy couch.


  1. I am totally a bible "picker & chooser"!! I guess that's the fallen catholic in me. And how did I miss this FB argument? I would have had your back for sure. Intolerant people are sucky. Jesus would not approve.

  2. Hi Lalena! The judgmental extremists are exactly why I steer clear of organized religion... Jesus preached peace and love, not hate and discrimination. I can't help but notice the hypocrocy of so many high & mighty Christians. I'm all for loving God, but can't figure out how that adds up to a license to hate others who aren't like you? Sadly, these extremists seem to be the loudest Christians. Please, please don't ever back down - Christianity needs lovely, open-minded people like you to help others (the non-religious) realize that it isn't all about the extremists...

  3. That is so interested that you mention the pants many people don't see that :) I personally don't wear pants.......pj pants yes, pants outside of my house no!

    For us hate the sin love the sinner.....sin is sin whether I tell a lie or have hate in my heart.

    Yea I hate the loud extremists. Being a Baptist that Baptist church that pickets everything yea they drive me nuts ;)

  4. I personally think you won this debate! You go girl! :)
