Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So as I go through my increasing amazing list of excellent blogs that I read on a daily basis I thought to myself - Self, you get upset (or tweaked) when one of your blogs doesn't write each day yet YOU don't write every day? hmm, not a good thing. So I'll try to write more. Perhaps it will be on target, perhaps. Today, probably not. Oh and someone said that if you've made this statement then you've probably lost 1/2 your readership anyway. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Everyone should have a good therapist on speed dial. Seriously. Of all the people that get your head screwed back on right, it's your therapist. Yes, God listens very well and does answer but a lot of the time it's a one way conversation. And I think some times I do frame my situations with the WWJD questions (What would Jesus Do? for those that are a not down with the J man). And I think most of the time I get the answer. Examples: 

- Kid is grabbing your shirt for the 10,000th time that day. You have said, "gentle hands" until you are blue in the face. WWJD? Love him. Kindness. 
- You really don't want to wake up early and make breakfast. You really don't want to make a snack an hour after that and then lunch then another snack then another snack then dinner. You want to watch TV and play on the internet or just drool for awhile. WWJD?  Feed the hungry. 
- I feel my butt expanding from sitting on this reclining chair too long and I have a little boy that loves sunshine and thankfully it's been beautiful outside. WWJD? Turn off the TV, go outside and play.
- Husband comes home and wants to talk to you. Wants you to be happy and interact with him. WWJD? Love him. Kindness.

See - damn it. It works every time. Grrr.  Still the perspective that I gain from these sessions is valuable to me and affirming. Can't be beat. And with the amazing attention machine that has become my child I really needed someone to just focus on me for a second. 

Pandu had his last evaluation today by the Child Find team. They brought in a Hindi-speaking man who I wanted to punch. He spoke to Pandu in a loud voice. Didn't try to form any connection. Asked him things that he would have no frame of reference of and was a general a@@. I tried to tell him - "no, the caretakers didn't ask him if he was hungry. they didn't ask him if he was thirsty. they didn't show him a ball. no one worked with him one-on-one every day. no one cared. he was forgotten and ignored. what part of that don't you understand?.... of course I said it a bit nicer than that but you get the point. He just looked at me like I was crazy. Pandu's VI teacher tried to say how horribly blind people are viewed in India and his response was that well, most people are blind because someone made them blind. I about punched him and had to explain more firmly - he has a genetic disorder, no one made him blind - a@@!! idiot!!! (didn't say that last part.) At that point I said, ok great we know there is no remaining knowledge of Hindi or Kanadian so we will not need to worry about it, thank you, now leave. Ergh!!! Other than that Pandu enjoyed the classroom again and playing in the playground. He did have to leave his cane at the door of the class, which I don't know if I like because that means he is always dependent on his aide. At first it makes sense but the minute he can consistently understand commands like - stop, go, come here, it's on your left/right, etc. - that cane will be glued to his side. 

Grrrr... I feel like a mama bear right now! hee hee.

1 comment:

  1. Thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that I enjoy keeping up with Pandu through your blog. We picked up our daughter the week before you picked him up and my husband enjoyed playing with him and Jenn's daughter, Nidhi.

    He sat with my husband and Nidhi and listened to him sing song after song--he really liked Johnny Cash! I think Shawn blogged about it somewhere.

    We were quite surprised about the way he was ignored at Ashraya--the therapist also mentioned a few things when we were asking about our daughter, Anju. I told her that Pandu's parents would be picking him up "next week" (I think you had mentioned it in a yahoo group I was in) and she was quite surprised.

    Keep going! I am so happy for him that he has found nurturing parents.

    Amy (mom to Anju 21 months, home from Ashraya on 11/20/08)
