Friday, May 29, 2009

American Beauty

What a treat to get to watch this movie again. Fairly unedited. I know, my MIL does not like this movie. She thought Kevin Spacey was a pedophile pervert. She missed the metaphor. It's ok, a lot of people do. But to me this movie reminds me of what is really beautiful. And how we don't want to destroy or defile what is beautiful. The juxtaposition between the spouses is amazing. How often do we get caught up in the appearance of things? The pretend to be a normal couple thing. a normal life is always the goal. Yet that normal life can be so suffocating. 

The film is so gray. Gray except for the beauty of youth, flowers, fruit, nature. It's the only color. Otherwise it's all gray. So straight. So narrow. So predictable. So in the lines. How often do we all do that in our life? Color is so unappreciated. Color can represent so much - beauty, happiness, vibrancy. Kevin Spacey's character starts so gray and he unchains himself. Yes through drugs and blowing off responsibility. But it was rebellion in its finest. How often do we all wish we could unchain ourselves? 

We need to step off the curb. Stop expecting for the world to be precise and monotony. Enjoy the vibrance of the colors and variety around us. Realize how beautiful life can be. Each day I think people try so hard to contain what they really feel, really think, really want. We aim to raise our kids to be within the dotted line, to conform, to be standardized. We strive for gray when we should strive for rainbows. 

When I watch things like this it reminds me of what I need to be careful of. As I move towards the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and a dog crafted ideal, I need to remind myself that I never wanted that. I want the color and variety, the unpredictability of life. A child that will tell his 9th grade teacher that she's wrong, he knows why the caged bird sings. A child that even rebels against me. A house that isn't cookie cutter, where it doesn't look like the house next door or around the block or for miles around me. 

We get trapped and I don't want to be trapped.

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