Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I've been at a lost of what to say. Not that there aren't a myriad of thoughts that run around and around my brain at all times but lately I don't think I've felt like sharing. Not to say I haven't been writing. Just not words for public consumption. That in and of itself is an oxymoron in my mind. I mean why blog if you aren't going to share the words that are pouring in your head. I think I'm struggling with sharing. I don't "think", I know I'm struggling with sharing. Ah, how I could employ a team of psychologists.

You know what is freaking me out? The thought that the people from the Post are reading my blog. It's stupid. I'm an open book. I've always been an open book. But some how it's different now. It's different with these individuals seeing into our world and wanting to know the "truth." I use quotes because what is the truth. Is the truth in that moment? Or is the truth the sum total of all of these experiences we have had over the last few months? I know in the end it will be ok. I'm more transparent than I ever believe to be. I mean really, I don't think I've ever said anything that shocked anyone. I don't think I've ever not worn an emotion on my sleeves or in my eyes. If you are perceptive and pay attention, you can always see me and what I'm feeling.

Being that journalist are observant by nature, I'm sure they already see. But it's difficult to trust. Not in photographs. Photographs are moments. A snapshot of a moment. Some times a beautiful moment or a difficult moment. But there is no "spin" on a photograph. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps I'm naive. Actually I'm a lot naive. But with the written word, there is nothing but spin and interpretation. I'm worried about being spun. In the end these are some of the thoughts that swirl in my head as of late. There are many, many thoughts.

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