Monday, May 11, 2009

What do you think?

Now let me put a little disclaimer. I don't know if I believe for sure in the certainty of tarot cards and horoscopes. I mean I believe the way I believe the weather man. Yeah, it could happen that way but well the universe could decide that you were wrong and it's going to blizzard in July. Recently though my daily tarot cards have been interesting on FB. I just had to share.

Sunday, May 10
The Magus
The MagusThe Magus is the master of his own destiny and unafraid to act as he chooses. By setting specific and attainable goals, the Magician utilizes his great knowledge and wisdom to succeed where others have failed. He is the master of his own destiny. Although, with such power comes great responsibility. The Magician must decide whether to act morally, or forsake ethics for personal gain.

I have been struggling lately in moving forward in going after the big dream. you know the one. The one that people tell you that you are crazy to dream but you know, KNOW that THIS is what you were meant to do. I am the master of my own destiny. God has given me gifts. He has shown me glimpses of the dream repeatedly, yet most of the time I choose to ignore them. But He is getting more insistent. He has pulled the rabbit out of the rabbit hole and said "See this is it, this is what you need to do. Now get off your butt and do it already. I didn't give you these gifts for you to ignore. Just jump." I've been arguing with God for awhile now. Really. Down and out fights. Rightfully, I'm the one taking the body blows and the damage as I try to fight something that shouldn't be fought. The mystics and God have the same plan with choosing this card. The future is in my hands, if I have the courage.

Monday, May 11

The Moon
The MoonThe Moon represents those unknown forces and cycles that are out of your control. While aware of its presence, you are unable to comprehend the influence the Moon has on your life. While this is a time full of mystery and uncertainty, it is also a time of great imagination and creativity. You must be prepared to venture into the unknown and follow uncharted paths.


See this is so related to yesterday's card. It's like the universe is conspiring against me. or well for me. I have felt so uncertain lately. Well, let's be honest. uncertainty is my middle name. And I constant fight the urge to go with the creativity that spews from me some days. I'm not prepared to go forward. I need that support system to help me with the uncharted paths but I'm struggling to see who could be on my team. I don't know. It's like you build your life and then wake up and realize, "hey, this isn't what I thought I was building." so you go back to the drawing board and have to think about what am I building now and who can help me build it.  

Tuesday, May 12
DeathThis card is commonly misconstrued and does not specifically pertain to physical death. The Death card signifies change in your life brought about by the ending of a current situation and the beginning of a new one. While the card itself may be morbid, it actually represents exciting change in your life. Be prepared for new and exciting situations to develop.


If I could tell you how many times I have received the death card in the last few weeks it would be disgusting. It's a reminder to me that change is a comin'. Whether you like it or not, accept it or not, want it or not, change happens. Everything has a season. And I have been mourning the changing of the season for awhile now.

Ironically tomorrow I'm having my knee replacement. Talk about a death. It's a death of the pain that has hindered me so much. The death of sitting on my ass and pretending that life will come to me. It won't. I must have courage and follow my own drummer. Listen to the forces around me that whisper the way down the path. Do not fear change as it may be the change you've always needed. 






It amuses me when the mystical and religion collide. yesterday our sermon was on the rabbit hole. the glimpses that God gives you of what you are called to do. We all have a calling. We have a purpose. Listening to your inner voice. The voice of God within you is the most difficult thing in the world. We are trained to be logically and practical and well thought out and rational. Sometimes the inner voice is none of those things. And who are we to stand in the way of the universe. When we do ... you just get beat up. The universe always wins. Either now or later, it will win. You can either stop and listen. Or ignore it and slowly destroy yourself. I think I need to start listening and more importantly, acting.

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