Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ah to sit and do nothing is divine. I have forgotten what it is like to spend a weekend at home not doing anything. Not visiting with anyone. Not talking to anyone. Just sitting and watching tv that slowly rots my brain. It's heavenly.

I think I've OD'd on Michael Jackson tributes. I found myself in shock when he died. Yes, he was quite the unusual man with some questionable choices but ultimately his music and influence on MTV changed my life forever. So many moments have MJ wrapped up into them.

Then Farrah. Oh boy. Yes, Charlie's Angels was a major part of my life. Interestingly, she was only on that show for 1 year but it seems like forever. In general though I think shows in the 70s were shorter. So re-runs made it seem like she was on it forever.

It's interesting to me to think of influences in my life dying .... already. How is that you wake up one day and you are middle aged? I mean. I'm not. Am I? I'm 38 years old, is that middle aged? I sure as hell hope now. But I think that it does mean that the people I grew up and influenced popular culture will begin to die. I don't know man. I just don't know.

When in sloth mode I can't seem to focus on anything, except drooling. So I think I'll go back to that.

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