Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just when you think

Some days I feel like no one will ever listen. No one ever hears me. Then I go and write something and I'm reminded that indeed people are listening.

I'm a loner. Lots of reasons why all going back to the whole trust and abandonment issues. I internalize and always believe  that my feelings and worries are not worth the time and attention of those that care for me. So what do I do - the healthy thing. I shrink away into some far off place and get pissed that no one noticed. Ah yes, neurosis at it's finest.

Then one of the loyals (those that have proven their friendship to me so many times that quite frankly they would rather puke then have to do it again) pops up and says, "hey what the hell are you doing? Stop the madness. Remember we covered this topic in 1998."

I shake from my internal world long enough to bask in the sunshine and realize that indeed I am not so bad. Today is not the day to wallow in some fabricated worried shit that I have made up any way.

The universe must have been listening because we had a beautiful, crisp fall day. I was grateful and found myself smiling at least once today.

[caption id="attachment_661" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mountain view from my cell phone. Why don't I carry my camera with me all the time?"]Mountain view from my cell phone. Why don't I carry my camera with me all the time?[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_662" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The trees are almost done with the change. "]The trees are almost done with the change. [/caption]

I'm not going to talk about the crap shit that went on at work. Who wants to ruin an ok mood? I'll save it for another day.

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